
15 modules

Enhanced CPD



Birmingham: October 2021
Belfast: May 2021
Manchester: September 2021
London: October 2021

Course fees

£7,995 inc VAT

Course overview

This Level 7 qualification consists of 15 modules with 11 face to face days. It teaches the theoretical, scientific and engineering principles behind restorative dentistry.
These units can be completed over the course of 12-months via Blended Learning, which combines practical face-to-face sessions with online lectures and seminars. Under the tutelage of our expert lecturers – including Professor Paul Tipton – you’ll hone your restorative techniques with the very latest scientific knowledge.

Topics covered include: Occlusion, Articulators, TMJ Splints, Tooth Preparations, Endodontics & Periodontics, Treatment Planning, Advanced Composites and Adhesion, Posts etc

With this knowledge, you’ll be able to provide comprehensive treatment options to your patients. But don’t just take our word for it – just scroll down to read the testimonials from our distinguished alumni.

A brief overview of topics covered on the 15 days is as follows. Please note, course day sequence may change based on the course stream you are registered on.

Course Assessments are in the form of Direct Observation of Performance (DOPS), Reflective Write-ups, Clinical Portfolio, Treatment Planning Assignments and Multiple Choice Questions.

Module 1: Principles of Occlusion

  • 5 Principles of Occlusion
  • Slides between RCP and ICP
  • Gnathology and Pankey style Occlusions
  • Importance of Condylar Position
  • Bruxism
  • Anterior Guidance
  • Mutually protected occlusion
  • Jaw registrations on live patients
  • Facebow registration practical on live patients

Module 2: Occlusal Examinations

  • Classification of lateral movement
  • How to examine the TMJs
  • Muscle palpation
  • Importance of RCP
  • How the slide determines the treatment plan
  • Conformative v Reorganised approach
  • 4 factors that identify your Occlusal plan
  • Canine discussion and cusp angles
  • Occlusal Examination practical on live patients

Module 3: Porcelain veneers/aesthetics

  • Media vs Natural Smiles
  • Conventional v slice preps
  • Prepless veneers
  • Lab techniques to make Veneers
  • Feldspathic v Emax
  • Cementation techniques
  • Smile design and smile imaging
  • Geller Models
  • Diagnostic waxing prototypes

Module 4: Preparations

  • Two handed preprations
  • Understanding bur selection
  • Tooth anatomy v Tooth Prep
  • Use of speed increasing handsets
  • Lab techniques
  • Functional cusp bevels
  • Shillingburg winged preps
  • Convergence angle and axial inclination
  • Tooth Prep practical on phantom heads

Module 5: Periodontics

  • Needs and characteristics of patient
  • Six-point periodontal examination
  • Gingival exposure/margins
  • Dento-gingival complex, biotype, keratinised tissues
  • Gingival recession
  • Risk Assessment: e.g. biological caries, loss of retention, fracture, abutment or restorations
  • Aetiological considerations
  • Merits of remedial action, options

Module 6: Articulators

  • Mounting your own Models on the semi adjustable Articulator
  • Average value articulator
  • Arbitrary v Kinematic facebows
  • Semi adjustable & Fully adjustable articulators
  • Importance of Condylar inclination
  • Bennett movement v immediate side shift
  • Bennett shift v progressive side shift
  • Understanding the importance of intercondylar distance
  • Why are your restorations always high

Module 7: Posts

  • Creating the ideal ferrule
  • Parallel vs Tapered posts
  • Nayyar cores
  • Shenker Post

Adhesive Fibre/Zirconia Posts

Module 8: Endodontics

  • The 4 pillars of endodontic treatment
  • Coronal seal
  • Fracture risk, detection and prevention
  • Vital pulp therapies and prevention of pulp necrosis
  • Management of cracked teeth
  • Treatment of infections

Module 9: Introduction to Implants

  • Treatment planning for the hopeless tooth
  • Dental implant supported restoration
  • Types of abutment, screw retained vs cement retained
  • Digital imaging techniques
  • Guided surgery and the use of surgical stents, CBCT, CAD CAM milling of substructures
  • All on 4 Restorations
  • Treatment planning for single tooth to full arch cases
  • Implants vs Bridges

Module 10: TMJ/Splints

  • Types of splint
  • Lucia jigs
  • Michigan Splints
  • Tanner Appliances
  • Anterior Repositioning splints
  • Anterior splints and deprogrammers
  • Avoiding a Closed Lock
  • Classification of clicking
  • Splint adjustment practical on live patients

Module 11: Removable Prosthodontics

  • Minimal Cavity Designs
  • Air Abrasion and Ozone
  • Tunnel/internal/minibox/slot preparations
  • Laser Cavity preparations

Module 12: Adhesion/Composites

  • Contraction (C) factor
  • Treatment of pulpal exposures
  • Placement and shrinkage, flowable and chemically cured composites
  • Surface layer considerations
  • Staining techniques
  • Classification of Dentine bonding agents and appropriate use
  • Bonding to different types of dentine
  • Tooth Anatomy
  • Rubber dam placement practical

Module 13: Bridge Design

  • Choosing fixed/fixed v fixed moveable design
  • Cantilever designs
  • Adhesive bridge preps
  • Choosing the retainer type
  • Perils of double abutting
  • Reasons for bridge failures
  • Flexing v length of bridge
  • Lindhe and Nyman bridges/Periodontal Prosthesis
  • The use of stress breakers

Module 14: Overview of Occlusion

  • Load testing the joint
  • Choosing your condylar position
  • Types of canine guidance
  • Occlusal adjustment
  • Progressive guidance, programmed guidance
  • Long and wide centric, freedom in centric
  • Treatment of Class 2 patients
  • Lucia jigs practical on live patients

Module 15: Treatment Planning

  • Treatment Planning the large restorative case, sequencing treatment
  • Dahl appliances, diagnostic waxing and the curve of spee
  • Boyle’s plane analyser, importance of the Occlusal plane
  • Vertical dimension and facial aesthetics, golden proportion
  • Pink porcelain, emergence profile and soft tissue position
  • Custom made Anterior guidance tables
  • Treatment planning practical
  • Diagnostic waxing practical
  • Occlusal adjustment on models practical
You will be awarded Enhanced CPD as a result of realising each Learning Outcome below.

Unit 1: Principles of Occlusion

  • Learning Outcome 1: Comprehensively evaluate and demonstrate the understanding of basic, intermediate and advanced principles of occlusion.
  • Learning Outcome 2: Evaluate, select and apply appropriate occlusion techniques for manipulation of the jaw, identification of slides, managing and controlling occlusion for a reorganised bite.
  • Learning Outcome 3: Evaluate and apply appropriate techniques relating to TMJ and Splints, which splint to use when and where, management of the patient, maintenance and review.

Unit 2: Principles of Tooth Preparation

  • Learning Outcome 1: Demonstrate an understanding of the main factors to be considered for use in Tooth Preparation, bur selection and dimension, preparation techniques and the science behind them, Shillingburg Preps and Magne.
  • Learning Outcome 2: Critically appraise current techniques and accompanying material considerations involved with the application of porcelain veneers.
  • Learning Outcome 3: Evaluate and demonstrate the techniques for the use of posts. Which Posts design, material, ferrule and managing the root filled tooth.
  • Learning Outcome 4: Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of adhesion composites and their application to patients.

Unit 3: Tooth Replacement for Missing Teeth

  • Learning Outcome 1: Demonstrate an understanding of Bridge Preparation Techniques and Adhesive Requirements.
  • Learning Outcome 2: Analyse and Apply the Essential Techniques for Implants.

Unit 4: Treatment Planning and the Use of Articulators

  • Learning Outcome 1: Evaluate the Treatment Planning Considerations to be made for Patients.
  • Learning Outcome 2: Demonstrate understanding of the principles of articulators, types of articulators and the science behind choice of use.

Unit 5: Endodontics and Periodontics

  • Learning Outcome 1: Evaluate the Endodontic restorative management of teeth.
  • Learning Outcome 2: Demonstrate an understanding of periodontology.

B.D.S., M.Sc., D.G.D.P., UK, Specialist in Prosthodontics

Prof. Paul Tipton

Our Clinical Lead Professor Paul Tipton is an internationally acclaimed Prosthodontist who has worked in private practice for more than 30 years.

President of the British Academy of Restorative Dentistry, Professor Tipton now divides his time between operating private referral clinics in Manchester, Chester and London and teaching other dentists the skills and techniques needed for a prolonged and successful career.

A passionate and charismatic speaker, Paul has been teaching for over 27 years, both in the UK and internationally. Over 3,500 delegates have attended Tipton Training courses to boost their skills, knowledge and income.

PhD, Lond, MA, BDentSc, TCD, FDSRCSEd, FIADFE, FDSRCSLond, FASDA, FACD, Specialist in Endodontics, Prosthodontics & Restorative Dentistry

Prof. Edward Lynch

Professor Edward Lynch was a full-time academic in Dentistry at the University of Warwick, which is ranked the third behind only Oxford and Cambridge in the list of the UK’s best Universities.

He was elected the most influential person in UK Dentistry in 2010 by his peers (Google dentistry top 50 2010) and has held the position of Professor of Restorative Dentistry and Gerodontology of the Queen’s University Belfast as well as Consultant in Restorative Dentistry to the Royal Hospitals from 2000 – 2010. He also served as the Consultant Editor of Gerodontology, as well as the Treasurer and Secretary to GORG, IADR and Editor of the GORG IADR newsletter. He has served as Senior Lecturer in Conservative Dentistry and Hon. Consultant in Restorative Dentistry and Postgraduate Course Organiser for the University of London where he was full-time for 20 years (1980 – 2000). He was awarded a total of 94 research grants, totalling around 5 million pounds and has more than 500 publications, including chapters in books and referred abstracts. During his career, Professor Edward Lynch has successfully supervised more than fifty MSc, MPhil and PhD students and he has been awarded many prizes for his research.
He is also a specialist in 3 disciplines, Endodontics, Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry as well as being a BUPA Consultant in Oral Surgery and presents at many prestigious postgraduate courses worldwide each year.

He is a Consultant to the ADA, a spokesperson for the BDA, a Scientific board member of the International Health Care Foundation and ISBOR, is on the editorial board of numerous International Journals and has spent decades as very much a “wet gloved” academic treating many specialist referrals every week, previously in the Royal Victoria Hospital as well as in Saint Bartholomew’s and the Royal London Hospitals. He has edited the Quintessence book entitled “Ozone – The Revolution in Dentistry” ISBN 18-5097-08-82. He is also the Chairman of the European Experts group on Tooth Whitening and is actively seeking to change EU legislation to legalise Home Bleaching. He has presented to the EU parliament on 2 occasions on tooth whitening. In the past 12 years, his research team has been honoured ten times by being awarded first prizes at the annual meeting of the International Association for Dental Research including a 2012 IADR first prize for one of his MSc students Diarmuid Buckley in Warwick Dentistry. In addition in 2010 he has been elected the 2011 President of GORG in the International Association for Dental Research and in 2012 he has also been elected as the next President of the Pharmacology, Therapeutics and Toxicology (PTT) Research Groups in the International Association for Dental Research. In addition, Edward was elected to represent the Geriatric Oral Research Group on the Council of IADR from 2013 and he represented PTT on the IADR Council in 2012. He has also been elected as the Regent for Europe for the prestigious Fellowship of the Academy for Dento-Facial Esthetics.

He has also been accredited in October 2010 with the prestigious membership of The American Society for Dental Aesthetics and has been awarded the 2010 Outstanding Achievement Award at the Dentistry Awards (Dentistry, 13 January 2011). On 16 Oct 2012 he was awarded the Fellowship of The American Society for Dental Aesthetics and is the first UK Dentist to ever achieve this prestigious Fellowship. On 10 Feb 2013 he was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award for Services to Research and Teaching at the prestigious IAOHD Dentistry conference in Las Vegas.

D.D.S, Specialist in Prosthodontics

Prof. Göran Urde

Göran received his dental degree from the Faculty of Odontology, Karolinska Institute in Stockholm in 1979. He has held departmental positions at the Karolinska Institute, the University of Gothenburg, Eastman Dental Hospital in London and the United Medical & Dental Schools of Guy’s & St. Thomas Hospitals, London.

Prof. Urde has held a variety of positions with Nobel Biocare throughout Europe, including System Specialist, Manager of Clinical & Scientific Support, Market Director and Manager of Professional Support.

Prof. Urde has lectured and published extensively on dental implants and practice management. He is currently on employed as a Prosthodontist at the Copenhagen Implant Centre and also maintains a private practice in Copenhagen.

I felt that the best thing about the course was the amazing experience I gained from working with such great and renowned clinicians such as Prof Urde. Meeting him was a privilege and an honour and I felt he was the best mentor I could have had to embark on my implantology career and not only did I gain from his vast experience but his gentle approach and immaculate attention to detail has helped me gain confidence in not only the clinical aspect of implantology but also the theory and treatment planning, I feel he has been by far the best course leader I have ever had, and believe me I have been on many courses!!
-Dr Marwen, 2019


Prof. James Prichard

Visiting Professor and Programme Leader, MClinDent in Endodontology at BPP University working with the City of London Dental School.

Professor Prichard is a renowned teacher in Endodontics, delivering hands-on courses, lectures, and seminars throughout the UK and overseas. He has held the posts of Associate Clinical Teacher, Clinical Teaching Fellow, and Clinical Supervisor in Endodontics on the Master’s Programme at The University of Warwick prior to joining BPP University in London as Visiting Professor and Programme leader for the MClinDent in Endodontology. He has published in the scientific journals including the International Endodontic Journal, The British Dental Journal and Endodontic Practice.

He has lectured at several conferences including the British Dental Association annual meeting and the British Academy of Restorative Dentistry. Subsequent to his qualification in 1994 James established a successful endodontic referral practice in his home town of Coventry and, after relocating to North Devon with his family in 2013, takes endodontic referrals from dentists in the South West of England. James is a Key Opinion Leader for several endodontic companies and has demonstrated the latest advances in endodontic technology for Schottlander and FKG Dentaire at the Dental Showcases and Dentistry Show since 2004. He gained his Masters Degree (MSc) in Restorative Dental Practice with distinction for his dissertation which he completed at The Eastman Dental Institute in London. He has been awarded a Fellowship from the International Academy of Dental Facial Esthetics in New York and has recently gained his Associate Fellowship from the Higher Education Authority as part of a post-graduate teaching certificate in professional education

BDS, Dip Rest Dent (RCS Eng), MSc (Rest Dent)

Dr. Matthew Holyoak

Matthew maintains a private practice in Lytham St Annes, Lancashire with an emphasis on Cosmetic and Advanced Restorative dentistry.
Recently appointed as Educational Supervisor in Advanced Restorative & Cosmetic Dentistry at the School of Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education. He is also a Senior Lecturer in Restorative Dentistry at UCLan.

He has a specific interest in Aesthetic Dentistry including smile design, composite resin restorations, minimally invasive ceramic restorations, and the restoration of dental implants.

He lectures on smile design, hands-on training in composites and restoring dental implants for FGDP, Ankylos Implants, Tipton Training & NW Deanery.

He has teaching experience with FGDP, Diploma in Restorative Dentistry & UCLan MSc courses in Restorative & Cosmetic Dentistry
Matthew is a full member of BAAD, and an associate member BSOS.

He is also a Clinical Opinion Leader with some of the UK’s leading dental companies, giving advice on the clinical use of restorative dental materials and the development of new materials and techniques.


Dr. Warren Martin

Dr. Warren Martin graduated from the University of Birmingham in 1993 and immediately entered general practice. In 1994 he was awarded a Licentiate in Dental Surgery from the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Warren’s interest in developing his clinical skills further has seen him combine working in practice whilst travelling across the world to study and train with world renowned restorative experts and some of the biggest names in dentistry today. Having started to implement new techniques he also sought further qualifications to heighten his knowledge of restorative dentistry.

In 2003 after two years study, Dr Martin graduated from the University of Manchester with a Masters Degree in Prosthodontics. Following which, he proceeded to teach the undergraduate students and supervise research projects within the University Dental Hospital.

Towards the end of 2004 Warren was elected as a member of the Faculty of Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh before returning to University of Manchester in 2008 to undertake the mono-specialty training in Prosthodontics.

Since 2004 Dr Martin has been the owner and principal dentist at Greyholme Dental Suite just outside Cheltenham and has recently taken up a teaching position on the Masters Degree program in Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics at the University of Manchester Dental Hospital.

BDS, MFGDP(UK), MSc (Aesthetic and Restorative Dentistry)

Dr. Ashish Rayarel

Dr. Rayarel graduated from Manchester University in 1989. He completed his MFGDP(UK) in 1998. After completing all of Professor Tipton’s courses and an MSc in Aesthetic and Restorative Dentistry Ash has been teaching for Tipton Training for 5 years.

He also teaches MSc students for Healthcare Learning; he is unit lead and examiner on this programme. Ash teaches undergraduate students at the University of Manchester and has been an Educational Supervisor for over 20 years. He has completed a PG Certificate in teaching and mentoring from UCLAN and more recently from Edgehill University. Ash is a member of the BACD, BARD and Salford LDC.

BSc (Hons), BDS (Hons), MFGDP (UK), MMedSci (Rest Dent), Dip Aesth (BARD) FBARD PGCertEd (Sheffield)

Dr Adam Toft

BSc (Hons), BDS (Hons), MFGDP (UK), MMedSci (Rest Dent), Dip Aesth (BARD) FBARD PGCertEd (Sheffield)

Dr Adam S. Toft qualified in 1995 with Honours from Sheffield University, having already gained a chemistry degree in Bangor, Wales. Since qualifying he has been interested in all aspects of dentistry, especially orthodontics, restorative and cosmetic dentistry.Adam has completed a 2 year postgraduate orthodontic course and a 4 year placement at the Royal Hospital, Chesterfield as a clinical assistant in the Orthodontic Department. He enjoys attending postgraduate courses and has been a vocational trainer for newly-qualified dentists over a number of years.

Adam has completed a 1 year Certificate course in Restorative Dentistry in Manchester as well as a yearlong Certificate in Practical and Aesthetic Dentistry with Tipton training in the mid 2000’s.

Furthermore, in order to offer his patients the very best in Aesthetic Dentistry, Adam has also recently completed an MMedSci Course at Sheffield University. He studied part–time over two years and has been learning and carrying out the very latest in adhesive and cosmetic dentistry.

He has taught as a part-time clinical tutor at Sheffield’s Charles Clifford Dental Hospital where he helped to supervise and tutor final year dental students. He is also one of the lecturers for Tipton Training where he lectures on the restorative, practical and aesthetic courses.

He is a founding committee member of the British Academy of Restorative Dentistry (BARD) and also a member of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (BACD).

MClinDent Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry

Dr Wahab Shakir

Wahab qualified at Newcastle University and then moved to London to work in private practice.
He has gained a wealth of knowledge in cosmetic and general dental procedures as well as the treatment of TMD (Temporo-Mandibular Joint Disorders). As a professional, Wahab is especially known for cosmetic excellence. He has a strong belief in prevention and will only remove tooth structure after all other avenues have been exhausted.

He returns smiles back to functional aesthetic beauty with minimally invasive techniques such as tooth whitening, bonding, veneers, inlays and crowns. He also has a high level of ability in the treatment of the TMJ jaw joint and its related muscular pain, tension and tooth wear and grinding.
Wahab is passionate about dentistry, has a friendly and caring approach and he is also great at helping nervous patients and children feel relaxed. He is also a certified provider of Invisalign® and Cfast tooth alignment systems.

He is always making sure he keeps up to speed with the constant developments in dentistry. As part of his on-going professional development, he regularly attends courses by other well respected dentists.

Wahab has gained a Certificate in Restorative Dentistry from the Tipton Institute and a second Certificate in Hands-on Dentistry for which he was presented the Best Dentist Award. He is completing a Masters (MClinDent) in Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry.


Dr. Paul Mandon-Gassman

I qualified from Sheffield in 1987 and moved to Kent in 1994, working at his current practice since 1998, becoming a co-owner in 2002 and achieving Denplan Excel Accreditation in 2004.

For over 20 years I have sought out the best teachers in the world in cosmetic, reconstructive and functional dentistry to gain the skills that I now offer patients at Sturry Dental Practice in Canterbury, Kent. I created the brand to showcase the best that modern dentistry has to offer. I also provide sessions at Sittingbourne Memorial Hospital for Medway Community Healthcare as a Dental Officer treating special needs patients.

As a previous full member of the British Academy of Cosmetic dentistry (BACD), I have experience in treating all type of cosmetic problems from simple tooth whitening to full smile makeovers. In the past I have been a member of the BACD membership, communication and congress committees. I have a reputation for a conservative approach to dentistry that will offer long term aesthetic results from the minimum of intervention; this can be seen with my use of various brace systems to align teeth prior to a final makeover.

I have a special interest in the treatment of head, neck and facial pain and its relation to poor jaw function and am a member of the British Society of Occlusal Studies (BSOS) which exists to help practitioners treat and prevent these common problems. Membership is by invitation only to practising dentists who have completed an arduous training programme which typically takes five years. I have lectured on the subject to other dentists and technicians and provided hands on courses on Facebow use and jaw registration.

I am an “opinion leader” for Ivoclar Vivadent and lecture and tutor hands on courses for them on Composites, Cements and tooth preparation for the Emax ceramic system.

I like to help people to understand what dentistry can offer them and as the No1 ‘Active Dentist’ on the award-winning patient education website All About Teeth (, spend time answering the public’s questions regarding their dental concerns. I am also a member of the Association of Dental Implantology UK (ADI, visit, a registered charity dedicated to providing the profession with continuing implant education and the public with a greater understanding of the benefits of dental implants. I am a full member of the Tipton Training Dental Academy which provides me with the latest dental scientific knowledge and clinical techniques. I am honoured to have been asked by Paul Tipton to act as a Study Club Chairperson for the British Academy of Restorative Dentistry

BDS (Lisbon) 2004

Hugo Grancho Pinto

Hugo is a registered specialist in periodontics with the General Dental Council and he focuses his clinical practice around the diagnosis and treatment, both nonsurgical and surgical, of gum disease, aesthetic periodontal surgery and implant dentistry.

Hugo qualified as a dentist from the University of Lisbon, practiced general dentistry for a couple of years and has been working in private practice in the areas of periodontology and implant dentistry exclusively since 2006.

Hugo competed a 3 years full time Specialist Training Program in Periodontology and Implant Dentistry in Lisbon. He has a Diploma in Clinical Periodontology from the Gothenburg University and completed a Post-Graduation in Implant Dentistry at the Oral Rehabilitation Institute, in Lisbon.

Hugo is an academic clinical lecturer in the postgraduate program in periodontics at the University of Manchester. He was a lecturer in the Periodontology Department in the University of Lisbon until 2008. He also lectures nationally and internationally on periodontics and implant dentistry.

He is an active member of the British Society of Periodontology, American Academy of Periodontology and Portuguese Association of Periodontology and Implants. Outside dentistry he loves spending time with his wife and kids and enjoys playing tennis and travelling around the world


Dr. Amit Mistry

Dr Mistry qualified from the University of Manchester in 2001, completed General Professional Training in 2002 and became a member of The Royal College of Surgeons in 2003.

At Blackburn Royal Infirmary, Amit was training as a junior maxfax surgeon and stepped up to senior grade surgeon level having responsibility for training and supervising junior surgeons and being 2nd on call. Amit gained experience of surgical implant placements on compromised cases which required advanced surgical procedures such as sinus lifts and bone grafts.

Dr Mistry has been on the academic teaching staff at Manchester Dental Hospital, supervising undergraduate dental students in oral surgery and IV sedation and is lead clinician for oral surgery in Halton and St Helens PCT.

Amit has undergone extensive post-graduate training in the field of dental implantology. This includes surgical grafting of bone and soft tissue, all on four cases and routine implant placements. He is currently at an advanced level of zygomatic implant training and has been placing zygomatic implants in severely compromised cases.

Amit is a clinical teacher on Tipton Training and is working nationwide placing dental implants.


Dr Keyvan Moharamzadeh

Keyvan Moharamzadeh is a registered multi-discipline specialist in Periodontics, Prosthodontics, Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry at Harley Street Dental Group in London and a Senior Clinical Lecturer/ Honorary Consultant in Restorative Dentistry at the University of Sheffield / Charles Clifford Dental Hospital, United Kingdom. He is the programme director for postgraduate DClinDent periodontology course at the School of Clinical Dentistry and was previously the course lead for postgraduate DClinDent programme in Prosthodontics. He has taught more than 1000 undergraduate dental students and postgraduate dentists over the past 10 years.

He is well-known for his multidisciplinary internationally recognised research in the field of biomaterials, tissue engineering and implantology, and has edited a textbook on “Biomaterials for Oral and Dental Tissue Engineering”. He holds an honorary research position in Marquette University in the United States, has extensively published in the literature and has given many presentations and invited lectures in the national and international conferences. He has won an international silver medal in Chemistry. His clinical work includes both private dental practice and hospital-based treatment of patients referred by the General Dental Practitioners for advanced restorative rehabilitation. His broad level of clinical interest includes aesthetic dentistry, periodontics, implantology, prosthodontic management of compromised dentition and using advanced technology to improve the outcome of endodontic treatment to the point of authoring a comprehensive evidence-based clinical reference book on “Diseases and Conditions in Dentistry”.

He is the regional and academic representative for the British Society of Periodontology as well as a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in England and the Higher Education Academy

Who should do this course?

Most dentists coming on this course are either already practicing Private Dentistry or are NHS dentists wishing to move to Private Dentistry. However, this course is aimed at any dentist wishing to improve their clinical work and invest more time into understanding occlusion, stabilising and improving the patients teeth and well-being.

How much practical work is involved?

The Restorative course consists of a mixture of lectures, demonstrations and practical sessions. It is 60% theory and 40% practical. On the majority of course days there will be a lecture in the morning and a practical session in the afternoon. On the 14-day programme, 10 days include a practical afternoon session.

How much reading is involved?

The theory is based on reading material provided to you within the e-learning page on the website. This will be available to you up to 4 weeks prior to the specific course module. The theory is based on scientific articles hand-picked by Professor Tipton. Reading material is required for most course days and the time investment in reading may vary for each module. All reading material is essential as Professor Tipton may refer back to specific points during the course.

I am struggling with more complex cases and more private work, will this course help?

The restorative course will open your eyes on how to deal with more complex and private cases, allowing you to be more organised and confident when delivering dental care to your patients. We also offer delegates to bring study models and pictures to discuss with any of our clinical team including Professor Paul Tipton.

Do I treat patients on the course?

No, we do not have live patients on this course. However, it is expected that you do participate in group work with your peers on the course day. This includes practising the techniques you have been taught on the course on each other.

I am confused about which course will suit be best. Can you tell me the difference between the Restorative and Operative (Phantom Head) course?

The PG Certificate in Restorative Dentistry is a more theoretical course with 6 full days on Occlusion. Other topics include Posts, Porcelain Veneers, Bridge Design, Endodontics, Periodontics & Minimal Invasive Dentistry. The PG Certificate in Operative Dentistry has 10 face-to-face days which are 100% practical, intense hands-on training working on Phantom Heads to improve your tooth preparation skills. It all depends on your experience and comfort level with Occlusion, Treatment Planning and tooth preparation techniques. The courses complement each other perfectly. We have had some delegates who join one course and then join the other immediately after. Should you plan to do both courses we suggest doing the PG Diploma in Prosthodontics and taking advantage of 18 months interest free finance. You can complete the PG Diploma in 18 months. In addition to the added clinical skills and treatment advantages, you will also save 6% on fees by enrolling straight onto the Diploma. If you initially only want to enrol to one course, the ideal pathway would be to begin with the PG Certificate in Restorative Dentistry and then follow on with the PG Certificate in Operative Dentistry.

What is covered in the course fees?

We cover the cost of light curing units, composites and impression materials needed within the course. We will provide a Michigan Splint for each delegate provided that you bring your study cast for the articulator practical. Adhesion composite models and treatment planning models are also included in the course fees. A light lunch and refreshments will be available. Whilst we try to accommodate any dietary requirements, we cannot always guarantee.

Are there any additional course costs?

As part of the Articulator training day (Unit 1), we require delegates to bring an unmounted upper and lower study model of themselves on good quality stone which they will mount onto articulators on the day. These models are then sent to our laboratory and we have a Michigan splint made. The splints are then fitted in the delegates own mouths as part of the TMJ Splint training day (Unit 1). We believe this is the best experience a dentist can have of the end to end process. The cost of splints is included in course fees, however, the unmounted upper and lower study model must be provided by the delegate.